Author name: James Todd

The Confidence Man

Many advancements in computer and internet security have been made. Anti-virus, anti-malware, firewalls, rootkits scanners, spam filters and much more have made it increasingly difficult for the bad guys to get into your computer and steal your information. So they are the “confidence man” of the 21 century. The confidence man of the past would

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You are THE WEAKEST LINK! No. Its not an insult or a put down. But it is about you. You are the weakest link in the technology chain. Strengthening that link is our goal. Check back for tips, tricks and methods to protect yourself against cyber thieves. We’ll do our best to explain how to


Remote PC Support for Computer Repair:
How Does It Work? Is It Safe?

Remote PC Support is a means of helping you care for your computer. By means of a remote support program, such as Teamviewer, a connection is made between your computer (the HOST) and the Remote PC Support computer. This tutorial should help you know what you are dealing with when you request remote pc support.

Remote PC Support for Computer Repair:
How Does It Work? Is It Safe?
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Why Data Backup?

February 8, 2013 A cheap way to avoid an expensive disaster             Backing up your files is a cheap way to avoid an expensive disaster. How much is it to buy a backup drive? About $75.00. Backup software? $30 or less. An hour of consultant’s time to install and show you how to use it?

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