The Confidence Man

Many advancements in computer and internet security have been made. Anti-virus, anti-malware, firewalls, rootkits scanners, spam filters and much more have made it increasingly difficult for the bad guys to get into your computer and steal your information.

So they are the “confidence man” of the 21 century. The confidence man of the past would devise a scheme where he would get you to trust him, sometimes by posing as someone you already trust, like a friend, local official or  business person, and then get you to give them what they want, whether it be money, information, or whatever.

Today they are using technology to fool people into giving them what they want, which is usually based on the ultimate desire to take your money.

One of the modern tools is social engineering. Here is a great video of how to avoid some of the snares used by these people.

Thanks to


1 thought on “The Confidence Man”

  1. Nancy

    Wow. I guess I’ll be more careful when travelling

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